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The Book of Change
Sunday, 31 August 2014
Changed @ 11:58 - Link - comments
It's hard to believe how long it's been since I had an opportunity to write here.

So much has happened while this journal lay buried at the bottom of my pack, and hopefully there'll soon be chance to jot down a few notes about at least some of what's been going on. Summerfaire has come and gone, with its high points and low points. Guilds rise and fall. Relationships change. Dreams - good and bad - decorate or haunt my periods of sleep. And friendship flowers and grows ...

In the time I've walked these lands, alone or in comradeship with others, a continual spur has been the safety of the lands and its people, the hope that the dark forces that assail us can be defeated. And now it seems others have seen some worth in my efforts. The Iron Order has expanded, and now will contain not only warriors but people of other professions. So as a member of the Order, I've been apponted to the position of Iron Protector. A duty to the High Queen, the Order, and the lands which I'll do my best to fulfil. And an honour of which I'll strive to prove worthy.